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Russian Quantum Center paid a visit to CenBRAIN Neurotech Center of Excellence

November 15, 2023

On November 15th, CenBRAIN Neurotech Center of Excellence hosted a distinguished delegation from the renowned Russian Quantum Center (RQC) to exchange and plan collaborations.A warm welcome from Chair Professor Alexey Kavokin, and CenBRAIN Neurotech's founding director, Chair Professor Mohamad Sawan.

CenBRAIN Neurotech's members showcased cutting-edge research in brain-computer interfaces, biosensors, organs-on-chips, and neuroimaging techniques.

The collaborative spirit reached new heights during a discussion workshop facilitated by Chair Professor Kavokin. He presented a picture book titled "Acronis and the Fatal Virus" which reflects our common desire to work closely together in the field of virology. Meanwhile, members of Chair Professor Sawan’s group introduced CenBRAIN Neurotech's main research priorities and projects, and Professor Akimov from RQC shared valuable insights into their quantum technologies.
