Jingdan Chen陈敬丹
Jingdan is a visiting student from Wuhan University. He worked in Dr. Zhang's lab for two months from June toAugust in 2022. At the time, he was in his second year of undergraduate.During his stay, he worked independently refining the computational chemistry workflow of Dr. Zhang's group, anoused DFT calculation and machine learning techniques to study PFASs degradation in various conditions. He is glaoto know more about coding (especially Python) and theoretical chemistry. Outside the lab, he likes music, travelingand Japanese anime.
Zhefei Guo郭哲非
Zhefei was a visiting student from Wuhan University. He worked in Dr. Zhang's lab for two months from July toAugust in 2021. At the time, he was in his third year of undergraduate.During his stay, he developed the extraction and analysis method of PFASs in soil samples together withXianyu Liu and learned the Gaussian software for DFT calculations with Dr. Zhang.
Yuhui Zhou周昱汇
Yuhui was a visiting student from UC-Santa Barbara. He worked in Dr. Zhang's lab for three weeks from July toAugust in 2021 through a summer internship program. At the time, he was in his second year of undergraduateDuring his stay, he reviewed papers on fluorinated and non-fluorinated water repellents.