主讲人: 黄敏博士,热电蛋白质组学方向资深专家
主题: 单细胞蛋白组学的演化历程
时间: 2021年9月23日 (星期四) 下午11:30-13:00
地点: 西湖大学云栖校区4号楼311会议室
主持人: 冯杉博士,生物医学实验技术中心

【Mass Spectrometer Seminar】
Speaker:Dr. Min Huang, application manager of macro biomolecules
Title:The evolution of single cell proteomics
Time:11:30am-1:00pm, Thursday, Sep 23, 2021
Venue:Room 311, Building 4, Yunqi Campus
Host:Dr. Shan Feng, Biomedical Research Core
The talk will be given in Chinese.
Working lunch will be served (no more than 50 meals). Please scan the QR code for the registration before 18th Sep.