2024年4月9日(周二),上午09:30-11:30,将开展“Introduction to 3D Electron Diffraction&Structure Determination of Zeolites”讲座。
Topic 1:Introduction to 3D Electron Diffraction
主讲人:孙俊良 教授 杰青,中国晶体学会副理事长、秘书长,北京大学
Topic 2: Structure Determination of Zeolites
主讲人:郭鹏 研究员,中国科学院大连化学物理研究所
【Instrumentation and Service Center for Physical Sciences Seminar】
Topic 1:Introduction to 3D Electron Diffraction
Speaker:Professor Junliang SUN, Outstanding youth, Vice President and Secretary-General of the Chinese Crystallographic Society
Topic 2: Structure Determination of Zeolites
Speaker:Professor Peng Guo, Research group lead, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Time:09:30-11:30am, Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Venue:E10-201, Yungu Campus
Welcome to Join us in the meeting room!