关力凡,1989年生,河南潢川县人。2009年毕业于北京林业大学数学系,获得理学学士学位,2015年毕业于北京大学数学科学学院,获得基础数学博士学位。从2015年至2021年,分别在北京国际数学研究中心,约克大学以及哥廷根大学从事博士后研究工作。现已全职加入西湖大学,任职理论开云app官网下载安卓 院特聘研究员。
1. Jinpeng An, Dmitry Kleinbock andLifan Guan, “Bounded orbits of diagonalizable flows on SL(3, R)/SL(3, Z)”,Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN2015 (2015), no. 24, 13623–13652.
2. Lifan Guanand Weisheng Wu, “Bounded orbits of certain diagonalizable flows on SL(n, R)/SL(n, Z)”,Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.370 (2018), no. 7, 4661–4681.
3. Lifan Guanand Jun Yu, “Weighted badly approximable vectors and games”,Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN2019 (2019), no. 3, 810–833.
4. Jinpeng An, Anish Ghosh,Lifan Guanand Tue Ly, “Bounded orbits of diagonalizable flows on finite volume quotients of products of SL(2, R)”,Advances in Math.354 (2019), article number 106743.
5. Lifan Guanand Ronggang Shi, “Hausdorff dimension of divergent trajectories on homogeneous spaces”,Compositio Math.156 (2020), no. 2, 340–359.
6. Jinpeng An,Lifan Guan, Antoine Marnat and Ronggang Shi, “Divergent trajectories on products of homogeneous spaces”,Advances in Math.390 (2021), article number 107910.
7. Victor Beresnevich,Lifan Guan, Antoine Marnat, Felipe Ramírez and Sanju Velani, “Dirichlet is not just bad and singular.”Advances in Math. 401 (2022), Paper No. 108316, 57 pp.