Richard Feynman 曾说 “It is scientific only to say what’s more likely or less likely, and not to be proving all the time what’s possible or impossible.” 希望我们在西湖大学能发现这个世界的新的可能。
周珍楠,2009年毕业于吉林大学数学学院,获学士学位,2014年毕业于美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校数学系,获博士学位。2014年至2017年在美国杜克大学担任助理研究教授。2017年至2023年在北京大学北京国际数学研究中心担任助理教授。2024年3月全职加入西湖大学,担任理论开云app官网下载安卓 院特聘研究员。
1. J. Carrillo, X. Dou andZ. Zhou, A simplified voltage-conductance kinetic model for interacting neurons and its asymptotic limit,SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 2024 56:1, 676-726.
2. S. Jin, L. Li, X. Ye andZ. Zhou, Ergodicity and long-time behavior of the Random Batch Method for interacting particle systems,Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, Vol. 33, No. 01, pp. 67-102 (2023).
3.J. Lu, Y. Lu andZ. Zhou, Continuum limit and preconditioned Langevin sampling of the path integral molecular dynamics,Journal of Computational Physics423 (2020): 109788, arXiv: 1811.10995.
4.J.-G. Liu, M. Tang, L. Wang andZ. Zhou, An accurate front capturing scheme for tumor growth models with a free boundary limit,Journal of Computational Physics, 364 (2018): 73-94.
5.J. Lu andZ. Zhou, Frozen Gaussian approximation with surface hopping for mixed quantum-classical dynamics: A mathematical justification of surface hopping algorithms,Mathematics of Computation(2018), 87.313, 2189-2232.