GuGroup: Theoretical and Computational Chemistry


Using quantum light to probe and manipulate molecules

We are interested in using light to probe and control electronic, optical, and chemical properties of matter, ranging from atoms and molecules to solids.


Aug 6, 2024

Bing gave a presentation titled Strongly Correlated Electron-Nuclear Dynamics at the Local Diabatic Representation International Workshop on Fundamentals and Frontiers in Complex System Dynamics.

July 28, 2024

Welcome LIU Hangyu from Zhejiang University coming to our group for summer intern!

June 18, 2024

Yujuan gave a presentation titled A Theoretical Study of Aromatic Ring Currents Induced by Chiral Vibrational Polaritons in The 34th CCS Congress. Check Events for more details!

June 16, 2024

Ruoxi was awarded the Best Poster Award in The 34th CCS Congress. Congratulations!

June 16, 2024

Xiaotong and Ruoxi made the poster presentations in Session 27: Quantum and Classical Dynamics in Chemistry in The 34th CCS Congress. Check Events for more details!

June 15, 2024

Bing was invited to give presentation titled Ab initio Conical Intersection Dynamics and Ultrafast Spectroscopy in The 34th CCS Congress. Check Events for more details!

May 20, 2024

In this JPCL, we generalized the TRK and Bethe sum rules for light-dressed matter. An interesting conclusion is that the no matter how strong the drive is, the energy exchange rate between the probe laser and the materials is preserved.Check it out!

May 12, 2024

Ruoxi was awarded the Oral Presentation Prize at the COMP Virtual Asia-Pacific Graduate Student Symposium, ACS Spring 2024. Congratulations!

Mar 28, 2024

We suggested a better integration algorithm for the local diabatic representation method for the exact modeling of conical intersection dynamics.Check it out!

Mar 21, 2024

Yujuan and Ruoxi gave presentations in Virtual Graduate Students Symposium in Asia-Pacific Region on Computational Chemistry at ACS Spring 2024.

Mar 18, 2024

Bing gave a presentation titled Local diabatic representation of conical intersection dynamics in the Session Recent Progress in Theoretical Methods for Coupled Quantum Systems at ACS Spring 2024.

Jan 28, 2024

Bing was selected to join the first Eary Carrer Board of the Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. Congratulations!

Oct 19, 2023

The time-convolutionless master equation is a powerful technique to model the non-Markovian dynamics of open quantum systems. In thisarXiv, we introduce a diagrammatic representation of the time-local generator to arbitrary orders and also a non-perturbative method to approximate it by a nested time-ordered exponential.

Oct 17, 2023

A review of our recent work on exploiting strong light-matter coupling to manipulate molecular photophysics and spectroscopy is published in Acc. Chem. Res.Check it out!

Sep 03, 2023

Welcome ZHU Xiaotong to join the theory group!

July 18, 2023

Welcome ZHANG Junzhe from Zhejiang University and ZENG Yingrong from University College London coming to our group for summer intern.

July 11, 2023

Welcome CHEN Zihao from University of Science and Technology of China coming to our group for a visit.

July 3, 2023

Welcome YANG Yukun, XIE Yujuan and CHEN Duanrui to join the theory group.

May 16, 2023

Our paper on utilizing entangled light to improve the temporal and spectral resolution of time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy has been published in PNAS.Check it out!

Apr 11, 2023

Our paper on a novel diabatic representation for conical intersection wave packet dynamics is in arXiv. It provides a framework to model nonadiabatic dynamics without the diverging nonadiabatic couplings.Check it out!

Mar 14, 2023

Welcome LIU Ruoxi to join the theory group.

Mar 14, 2023

Our paper on utilizing entangled light to improve the temporal and spectral resolution of time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy is submitted to PNAS.

Feb 14, 2023

GU Bing starts independent academic career as a PI of Chemistry at School of Science, 开云app官网下

Website design: Ruoxi Liu © Copyright 2023 Gu Lab at Westlake University
