Pavlos Savvidis
Westlake University located in the romantic and picturesque West Lake area, is a thriving new research and education centre. It has attracted highly skilled, enthusiastic and energetic staff, creating a truly inspirational environment where novel ideas can blossom. My best wishes for a successful and enticing journey for this young University.
Paschos Ioannis
Paschos Ioannis is from Paros, a small island of Greece. He obtained his B.S.c diploma in Physics from the University of Crete while in 2013 he received his M.S.c diploma in Nanobiophysics from the Technical University of Dresden focused on topological insulating materials. During this period, he had the opportunity of being part of highly recognized institutes ...
Ilianna Charkoutsaki
Ilianna Charkoutsaki graduated from University of Crete were she obtained her B.Sc. and Master's Degree from Materials Science and Technology Department, in Optoelectronics and Nanotechnology. The work during her studies concerned the process of Photo-electrochemical selective etching (PEC). This technique involves selective reactions between semiconductors and electrolyte solutions, due to light absorption. Photo-electrochemical reactions constitute one of the main experimental tools essential for the processing and fabrication of crystalline hetero-structures, to enhance their optical properties
JunHui Cao
JunHui Cao (曹骏辉) graduated from Zhejiang University in 2019 and started his graduate study under the guidance of Prof. Alexey Kavokin in 开云app官网下 He has three SCI publications as first-author when he was an undergraduate. Now he is working on the numerical simulation of quantum well induced Rabi splitting spectrum.
Zhen Cui
Zhen Cui(崔祯) received a bachelor's degree in physics from Southern University of Science and Technology in 2019; from 2019 to 2020, he worked as a research assistant at Shenzhen Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering. In August 2020, he was admitted as a doctoral student by West Lake University, engaged in polariton related research.Zhen mainly studies the physical realization of qua...