专题学术讲座|Polaritonics: Physics of Liquid Light
题目:Polaritonics: Physics of Liquid Light

主讲嘉宾:Alexey Kavokin,西湖大学极化子中心主任
Alexey Kavokin has received his PhD in physics from the Ioffe institute of Russian Academy of Sciences in 1993. He has joint the research staff of the Ioffe institute as a junior researcher the same year. In 1997 he was appointed a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Rome II (Italy). In 1997-1998 he was a visiting professor at the University of Montpellier (France). In September 1998 Dr. Kavokin has been appointed to a permanent Professor position at the Blaise Pascal University (France). He was the youngest university professor of France, at the age of 28. In 2005 Professor Kavokin moved to the United Kingdom where he was appointed the Chair Professor at the University of Southampton. In 2006-2009 he served also as a Marie-Curie Chair holder at the University of Rome II. Since 2011 Prof. Kavokin is heading the Spin Optics laboratory of the State University of St-Petersburg (Russia) and since 2014 he is a PI of the Quantum Polaritonics group of the Russian Quantum Center. Prof. Alexey Kavokin is one of the creators and a Scientific Director of the Mediterranean Institute of Fundamental Physics. In June 2018, Alexey Kavokin has joined the Westlake university as a Chair Professor and the Director of the International Center for Polaritonics.
The research interests of Alexey Kavokin include the physics of light-matter coupling, solid state physics, quantum optics and superconductivity. His main contributions are in the research field of Polaritonics where he predicted the Bose-Einstein condensation of exciton-polaritons at room temperature and took part in the experimental verification of this prediction (2007). He developed the concept of Bosonic cascade laser, predicted the optical Spin Hall effect and Spin Meissner effect, predicted the superconductivity mediated by exciton condensates, proposed a concept of Tamm plasmons and published seminal works on the quantization of entropy in electronic gases.
We will overview the rapidly developing research field of Polaritonics. After the experimental discovery of the strong exciton-photon coupling in semiconductor microcavities, the physics of superpositon light-matter quasiparticles, exciton-polaritons, develops on a high pace. Polaritons combine properties of photons and excitons. These quasiparticles may form bosonic condensates and superfluids. The Bose-Einstein condensation of liquid light (exciton-polaritons) is in the heart of polariton lasing. Moreover, polaritons have unusual spin properties manifested in the Optical Spin Hall and Spin Meissner effects. Nowadays, condensates of exciton-polaritons are used for realisation of XY-simulators. Efforts are directed on the realization of superconductivity mediated by polariton condensates. Dr. Alexey Kavokin will briefly address these phenomena and will give his vision of the future of Polaritonics in the context of the creation of the International Center for Polaritonics at the 开云app官网下