About Our Lab

Our research focuses on quantum mechanical aspects of condensed matter systems in the areas of strongly-correlated and mesoscopic physics, as seen by the entangled electrons or spins. We are interested in many aspects of condensed matter physics and statistical physics, with a particular focus on topology, fractionalization and entanglement in in quantum many-body systems.

Prospective goal

    The prospective goal is to exploit state-of-the-art methods, to enable unbiased diagnosis of novel phases and criticalities, and to build effective theories from a microscopic viewpoint.

    We hope the study on quantum many-body systems could provide deeper insight into the quantum (field) theory and to unveil new mechanisms beyond the standard paradigm.

Research interests

A major portion of the current research involves:

  • Topological states of matter in strongly correlated systems: Topological orders, fractional excitations on geometrically frustrated lattices, fractional quantum Hall effects, quantum spin liquids

  • Novel phases, emergent phenomena and collective states of matter in strongly-correlated systems and quantum materials, especially focusing on the interplay between Coulomb interaction, spin exchange interaction and orbital, spin, charge degrees of freedom

  • Quantum criticality: Quantum fluctuations, quantum phase transitions, and conformal invariance

  • Mesoscopic phenomena in two-dimensional materials: electronic structure, quantum transport properties and the quantum hall effects, especially the role of the extrinsic (intrinsic) disorder, electron-electron interactions and the interplay of interactions and disorder

  • Developing the state-of-the-art numerical methods and applying them to various models: Exact diagonalization, Density-matrix renormalization group, Dynamical mean-field theory, etc.

  • Applications of quantum information concepts to quantum many-body systems, understanding the emergent phenomena via the lens of quantum entanglement

  • Baidu