Turn air-captured CO2 with methanol into amino acid and pyruvate in an ATP/NAD(P)H-free chemoenzymatic system

J Liu, H Zhang, Y Xu,H Meng, and AP Zeng(2023)Nature Communications. 14, Article number:2772(2023)

Lactate based caproate production with Clostridium drakei and process control of Acetobacterium woodii via lactate dependent in situ electrolysis

Jan Herzog, Alexander Mook, Tyll Utesch, Frank R. Bengelsdorf, An-Ping Zeng (2023) Eng Life Sci. 23 (1)

Biomanufacturing boosts the high-level development of economy and society

C Li, Y Yuan, A.Zeng* (2023) Green Chemical Engineering

Development of a New 1,2,4 butanetriol Biosynthesis Pathway in an Engineered Homoserine-producing Strain of Escherichia coli

Y Zhang, L Chen, A Thomas, An-Ping Zeng* (2023) Synthetic Biology and Engineering. 2023, 1(1), 10007


刘永飞,刘建明,聂晶磊,曾安平 (2023)科学通报

Novel synthetic co-culture of Acetobacterium woodii and Clostridium drakei using CO2 and in situ generated H2 for the production of caproic acid via lactic acid

Jan Herzog, Alexander Mook, Lotta Guhl, Miriam Bäumler, Matthias H. Beck, Dirk Weuster-Botz, Frank R. Bengelsdorf, An-Ping Zeng* (2023)Engineering in life sciences


刘建明, 曾安平* (2023) 合成生物学

Electrochemically mediated bioconversion and integrated purification greatly enhanced co-production of 1, 3-propanediol and organic acids from glycerol in an industrial bioprocess

Chijian Zhang, Pawin Traitrongsat, An-Ping Zeng* (2023) Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering
