# ************************************************** # # Read exposure and outcome # # ************************************************** # read_gsmr_trait = function(file_con) { expo_str = scan(file_con, nlines=1, quiet=TRUE, what=""); outcome_str = scan(file_con, nlines=1, quiet=TRUE, what=""); strbuf = scan(file_con, nlines=1, quiet=TRUE, what=""); return(list(expo_str=expo_str, outcome_str=outcome_str)) } # ************************************************** # # Read GSMR result # # ************************************************** # read_gsmr_result = function(file_con) { expo_str = outcome_str = bxy = bxy_se = bxy_pval = bxy_m = c() while(1) { strbuf = scan(file_con, nlines=1, quiet=TRUE, what=""); if(strbuf[1] == "#gsmr_end") break; if(strbuf[1] == "Exposure") next; expo_str = c(expo_str, strbuf[1]); outcome_str = c(outcome_str, strbuf[2]); bxy = c(bxy, as.numeric(strbuf[3])); bxy_se = c(bxy_se, as.numeric(strbuf[4])); bxy_pval = c(bxy_pval, as.numeric(strbuf[5])); bxy_m = c(bxy_m, as.numeric(strbuf[6])); } return(cbind(expo_str, outcome_str, bxy, bxy_se, bxy_pval, bxy_m)) } # ************************************************** # # Read SNP effects # # ************************************************** # read_snp_effect = function(file_con) { snp_effect = c() while(1) { strbuf = scan(file_con, nlines=1, quiet=TRUE, what=""); if(strbuf[1] == "#effect_end") break; snp_effect = rbind(snp_effect, strbuf); print(length(strbuf)) if(length(strbuf)<14) print(strbuf) } return(snp_effect) } # ************************************************** # # Read SNP instruments # # ************************************************** # read_snp_instru = function(file_con, snplist, nexpo, noutcome) { nrow = length(snplist); ncol = nexpo+noutcome snp_instru = matrix(NA, nrow, ncol) while(1) { strbuf = scan(file_con, nlines=1, quiet=TRUE, what=""); if(strbuf[1] == "#marker_end") break; expo_indx = as.numeric(strbuf[1]); outcome_indx = as.numeric(strbuf[2]); forward_flag = TRUE; if(expo_indx < outcome_indx) { outcome_indx = outcome_indx - nexpo } else { expo_indx = expo_indx - nexpo forward_flag = FALSE; } snpbuf = scan(file_con, nlines=1, quiet=TRUE, what=""); snp_indx = match(snpbuf, snplist) posbuf = rep(0, nrow); posbuf[snp_indx] = 1; indxbuf = expo_indx if(!forward_flag) indxbuf = indxbuf + nexpo if(length(which(!is.na(snp_instru[,indxbuf])))==0) { snp_instru[,indxbuf] = posbuf; } else { snp_instru[,indxbuf] = paste(snp_instru[,indxbuf], posbuf, sep="") } } return(snp_instru) } # ************************************************** # # Read output by GCTA-GSMR for plot # # ************************************************** # read_gsmr_data = function(gsmr_effect_file) { trait_flag = gsmr_flag = marker_flag = effect_flag = FALSE; file_con = file(gsmr_effect_file, "r") while(1) { strbuf = scan(file_con, nlines=1, quiet=TRUE, what=""); if(strbuf == "#trait_begin") { # Read the exposures and outcomes resbuf = read_gsmr_trait(file_con); expo_str = resbuf$expo_str; outcome_str = resbuf$outcome_str; pheno_str = c(expo_str, outcome_str); nexpo = length(expo_str); noutcome = length(outcome_str) trait_flag = TRUE; } else if(strbuf == "#gsmr_begin") { # Read the GSMR result bxy_result = read_gsmr_result(file_con); colnames(bxy_result) = c("Exposure", "Outcome", "bxy", "se", "p", "n_snps") gsmr_flag = TRUE; } else if(strbuf == "#effect_begin") { # Read the summary statistics snp_effect = read_snp_effect(file_con); snplist = as.character(snp_effect[,1]) effect_flag = TRUE; } else if(strbuf == "#marker_begin") { # Read the SNPs snp_instru = read_snp_instru(file_con, snplist, nexpo, noutcome); snp_effect = cbind(snp_effect[,1], snp_instru, snp_effect[,-1]) marker_flag = TRUE; } if(trait_flag==T & gsmr_flag==T & marker_flag==T & effect_flag==T) break; } return(list(pheno=c(nexpo, noutcome, pheno_str), bxy_result=bxy_result, snp_effect = snp_effect)) } # ************************************************** # # Display summary of the gsmr data # # ************************************************** # gsmr_summary = function(gsmr_data) { message("\n## Exposure and outcome") pheno_str = gsmr_data$pheno[c(-1,-2)] # exposure nexpo = as.numeric(gsmr_data$pheno[1]); noutcome = as.numeric(gsmr_data$pheno[2]); logger_m = paste(nexpo, "exposure(s):"); logger_m = paste(logger_m, gsmr_data$pheno[3]) if(nexpo > 1) { for(i in 2 : nexpo) logger_m = paste(logger_m, gsmr_data$pheno[i+2], sep=", ") } message(logger_m) # outcome logger_m = paste(noutcome, "outcome(s):"); logger_m = paste(logger_m, gsmr_data$pheno[3+nexpo]) if(noutcome > 1) { for(i in 2 : noutcome) logger_m = paste(logger_m, gsmr_data$pheno[i+2+nexpo], sep=", ") } message(logger_m) message("\n## GSMR result") m_bxy_rst = data.frame(gsmr_data$bxy_result) print(m_bxy_rst) } # ************************************************** # # Retrieve SNP effects # # ************************************************** # gsmr_snp_effect = function(gsmr_data, expo_str, outcome_str) { # index of SNP instruments pheno_str = as.character(gsmr_data$pheno[c(-1,-2)]) nexpo = as.numeric(gsmr_data$pheno[1]) noutcome = as.numeric(gsmr_data$pheno[2]) expo_indx = match(expo_str, pheno_str) if(is.na(expo_indx)) stop("\"", expo_str, "\" is not found.") outcome_indx = match(outcome_str, pheno_str) if(is.na(outcome_indx)) stop("\"", outcome_str, "\" is not found.") forward_flag = TRUE; if(expo_indx > outcome_indx) forward_flag = FALSE; if(forward_flag) { outcome_indx = outcome_indx - nexpo; } else { expo_indx = expo_indx - nexpo; } indxbuf = expo_indx + 1 if(!forward_flag) indxbuf = indxbuf + nexpo strbuf = as.character(substr(gsmr_data$snp_effect[,indxbuf], outcome_indx, outcome_indx)) snpindx = which(strbuf=="1") if(length(snpindx) < 3) stop("Not enough SNPs retained.") # bxy indxbuf = which(gsmr_data$bxy_result[,1]==expo_str & gsmr_data$bxy_result[,2]==outcome_str) bxy = as.numeric(gsmr_data$bxy_result[indxbuf, 3]) # SNP effects if(forward_flag) { indxbuf1 = 1 + nexpo + noutcome + 3 + (expo_indx-1)*2 + 1 indxbuf2 = 1 + nexpo + noutcome + 3 + nexpo*2 + (outcome_indx-1)*2 + 1 } else { indxbuf1 = 1 + nexpo + noutcome + 3 + nexpo*2 + (expo_indx-1)*2 + 1 indxbuf2 = 1 + nexpo + noutcome + 3 + (outcome_indx-1)*2 + 1 } snpid = as.character(gsmr_data$snp_effect[snpindx,1]) bzx = as.numeric(gsmr_data$snp_effect[snpindx,indxbuf1]); indxbuf1 = indxbuf1 + 1; bzx_se = as.numeric(gsmr_data$snp_effect[snpindx,indxbuf1]); bzx_pval = pchisq((bzx/bzx_se)^2, 1, lower.tail=F); bzy = as.numeric(gsmr_data$snp_effect[snpindx,indxbuf2]); indxbuf2 = indxbuf2 + 1; bzy_se = as.numeric(gsmr_data$snp_effect[snpindx,indxbuf2]); bzy_pval = pchisq((bzy/bzy_se)^2, 1, lower.tail=F); return(list(snp=snpid, bxy=bxy, bzx=bzx, bzx_se=bzx_se, bzx_pval=bzx_pval, bzy=bzy, bzy_se=bzy_se, bzy_pval=bzy_pval)) } # ************************************************** # # Plot bzy vs bzx # # ************************************************** # plot_snp_effect = function(expo_str, outcome_str, bxy, bzx, bzx_se, bzy, bzy_se, effect_col=colors()[75]) { vals = c(bzx-bzx_se, bzx+bzx_se) xmin = min(vals); xmax = max(vals) vals = c(bzy-bzy_se, bzy+bzy_se) ymin = min(vals); ymax = max(vals) plot(bzx, bzy, pch=20, cex=0.8, bty="n", cex.axis=1.1, cex.lab=1.2, col=effect_col, xlim=c(xmin, xmax), ylim=c(ymin, ymax), xlab=substitute(paste(trait, " (", italic(b[zx]), ")", sep=""), list(trait=expo_str)), ylab=substitute(paste(trait, " (", italic(b[zy]), ")", sep=""), list(trait=outcome_str))) if(!is.na(bxy)) abline(0, bxy, lwd=1.5, lty=2, col="dim grey") ## Standard errors nsnps = length(bzx) for( i in 1:nsnps ) { # x axis xstart = bzx[i] - bzx_se[i]; xend = bzx[i] + bzx_se[i] ystart = bzy[i]; yend = bzy[i] segments(xstart, ystart, xend, yend, lwd=1.5, col=effect_col) # y axis xstart = bzx[i]; xend = bzx[i] ystart = bzy[i] - bzy_se[i]; yend = bzy[i] + bzy_se[i] segments(xstart, ystart, xend, yend, lwd=1.5, col=effect_col) } } # ************************************************** # # Plot bzy_pval vs bzx_pval # # ************************************************** # plot_snp_pval = function(expo_str, outcome_str, bzx_pval, bzy_pval, gwas_thresh, truncation, effect_col) { eps = 1e-300; truncation = -log10(truncation); if(truncation > 300) { warning("The minimal truncated p-value would be 1e-300.") truncation = 300 } bzx_pval = -log10(bzx_pval + eps); bzy_pval = -log10(bzy_pval + eps); pval = c(bzx_pval, bzy_pval) min_val = 0; max_val = max(pval); max_val = ifelse(max_val > truncation, truncation, max_val) gwas_thresh = -log10(gwas_thresh); plot(bzx_pval, bzy_pval, pch=20, cex=0.8, bty="n", cex.axis=1.1, cex.lab=1.2, col=effect_col, xlim=c(min_val, max_val), ylim=c(min_val, max_val), xlab=substitute(paste(trait, " (", -log[10], italic(P)[zx], ")", sep=""), list(trait=expo_str)), ylab=substitute(paste(trait, " (", -log[10], italic(P[zy]), ")", sep=""), list(trait=outcome_str))) abline(h=gwas_thresh, lty=2, lwd=1.5, col="maroon") } # ************************************************** # # Plot bxy vs bzx_pval # # ************************************************** # plot_snp_bxy = function(expo_str, outcome_str, bxy, bzx_pval, effect_col) { eps = 1e-300; bzx_pval = -log10(bzx_pval + eps); xmin = min(bxy, na.rm=T); xmax = max(bxy, na.rm=T) ymin = min(bzx_pval); ymax = max(bzx_pval); plot(bxy, bzx_pval, pch=20, cex=0.8, bty="n", cex.axis=1.1, cex.lab=1.2, col=effect_col, xlim=c(xmin, xmax), ylim=c(ymin, ymax), xlab=substitute(paste(italic(hat(b)[xy]), " (", trait1, " -> ", trait2, ")", sep=""), list(trait1=expo_str, trait2=outcome_str)), ylab=substitute(paste(trait, " (", -log[10], italic(P[zx]), ")", sep=""), list(trait=expo_str))) } # ************************************************** # # Effect size plot # # ************************************************** # # expo_str, exposure # outcome_str, outcome # effect_col, plotting colour plot_gsmr_effect = function(gsmr_data, expo_str, outcome_str, effect_col=colors()[75]) { resbuf = gsmr_snp_effect(gsmr_data, expo_str, outcome_str); bxy = resbuf$bxy bzx = resbuf$bzx; bzx_se = resbuf$bzx_se; bzy = resbuf$bzy; bzy_se = resbuf$bzy_se; # plot plot_snp_effect(expo_str, outcome_str, bxy, bzx, bzx_se, bzy, bzy_se, effect_col) } # ************************************************** # # P-value plot # # ************************************************** # # expo_str, exposure # outcome_str, outcome # effect_col, plotting colour plot_gsmr_pvalue = function(gsmr_data, expo_str, outcome_str, gwas_thresh=5e-8, truncation=1e-50, effect_col=colors()[75]) { resbuf = gsmr_snp_effect(gsmr_data, expo_str, outcome_str); bzx_pval = resbuf$bzx_pval; bzy_pval = resbuf$bzy_pval; # plot plot_snp_pval(expo_str, outcome_str, bzx_pval, bzy_pval, gwas_thresh, truncation, effect_col) } # ************************************************** # # bxy distribution plot # # ************************************************** # # expo_str, exposure # outcome_str, outcome # effect_col, plotting colour plot_bxy_distribution = function(gsmr_data, expo_str, outcome_str, effect_col=colors()[75]) { resbuf = gsmr_snp_effect(gsmr_data, expo_str, outcome_str); bzx = resbuf$bzx; bzx_pval = resbuf$bzx_pval; bzy = resbuf$bzy; bxy = bzy/bzx # plot plot_snp_bxy(expo_str, outcome_str, bxy, bzx_pval, effect_col) }